This is why I am a feminist

Thousands of girls around the world are forced into sex slavery and prostitution every day.

Thousands of women around the world are beaten by their husbands everyday.

Thousands of women around the world are raped by their intimate partners and they do not have the right to say no.

Thousands of girls and women around the world, living in cities and in rural areas, from as young as 12 months to as old as 90 years are raped and gang raped.

Thousands of women especially living in poor nations and poor neighbourhoods die while giving birth.

Many women work from 5am to 8pm, looking after their families and running their household, yet they are unappreciated. Worse yet, the work they do is not valued.

Many women around the world are paid less than men, even if they are just as qualified.

Many women are and will be denied a job opportunity because ‘they will soon be pregnant and ask for leave anyway’

Many women do not have the right and freedom to leave their homes without the husband’s permission.

Many women do not have the freedom to walk on the street at night.

Women do not have the choice to wear what they want, because if it’s revealing then she is a slut, if it covers her too much then no one will look at her.

Thousands of girls are forced to have their genitals cut so that they remain virgins until they are married or so that they do not have sexual pleasure.

In many cultures women are told not to laugh especially in public because it is un lady like

In many cultures girls and women are taught not to be sporty and tough because no one will love them.

In many cultures mothers are not allowed to breastfeed their infants in public, because it is considered indecent?

To list but a few.

All we want is the violence, the abuse and the inequality to stop.
All we want is to be treated equally.

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